Friday 8 May 2015

The book and reading tag:

Hey guys,
So a while back I was tagged by Cindy from to do the book and reading tag.The person that created this Tag was Noor from you should definitely check her blog out as well.

Books to be read in May:
Definitely the Hunger games and the rest of the Harry potter books.

Book series that you'd like to be seen as a movie:
Probably The Tom Gates series because it's similar to diary of a wimpy kid which was made into a film so I'm sure it would be amazing.

Over hyped author/book:
I actually don't know an answer for this one.

The best book series:
.Diary of a wimpy kid 
.Harry potter

The best single book:
Girl Online by the amazing Zoella I definitely recommend you buy this book now it's so good.

Book to movie adaptation that was really bad:
Probably the private peaceful movie.The book of it was brilliant but the movie wasn't that great in my opinion.

Book that made you cry:
 A year ago I read a book called demon dentist by David walliams it's a kid book and not meant to be scary but I got freaked out by a bit of it.I started crying because I got a nightmare from it!!!

A book series you didn't like:
Probably Geek Girl because I began to read the first book and I didn't really enjoy it.

Books you haven't read but really need to:
The rest of the Harry potters because I've only read the first two.

What was the first book you really loved?:
The biff,chip and kipper books.You probably have never heard of them but in our school they have all the books in my first class at school and I just remember really liking them.

So I hope you enjoyed the tag and I have to nominate someone but I think most of my blogging friends have already done this tag so I tag anyone who hasn't done this tag.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day.


  1. I need the book from Zoe ! Hunger games are amazing tho !!

    1. Thanks I'll definitely read the hunger games and you should definitely read Girl online by zoella as it is amazing xx

  2. Amazing post! I love your answers! I've read demon dentist, I didn't find it very scary though! Then again, I can hardly talk as I cried at Billionaire Boy! Anyway, its okay that you got scared - I scared and upset with books sometimes! xoxo

    1. Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed my post xx

  3. Replies
    1. Cool thanks for all the support :) xx

  4. Cool, I really need to read Zoella's book! I haven't yet. >.<

    xoxo Morning

    1. Thanks You really should read her book it's amazing xxx

  5. I love zoellas book! Have you got the pointless book 1&2 those are amazing aswell

    1. Thanks I haven't got the pointless book yet but my friend has and it looks amazing xx :)
