Sunday 31 May 2015


Hey guys,
You're probably now thinking what on earth is this post about because the title doesn't really give much away. Basically I'm going to be doing a post where you answer questions about what you've been doing lately. 

Lately I've been reading...
"Little Darlings" by Jaqueline Wilson.This book is amazing so far and I only began reading it yesterday.It's about two girls from different backgrounds who become great friends.

Lately I've been listening to...
"Bad Blood" by Taylor swift.This song is quite different to Taylor Swift's other songs but it's still amazing.Also I'm actually listening to it right now.

Lately I've been craving...
Chocolate.At the moment I have been craving chocolate so much I don't really know why.I think even if I had one square of chocolate I'd be satisfied. 

Lately I've been thinking about...
High school.Because I'm coming up to the end of primary school I've been thinking about moving onto high school a lot. I'm excited and worried at the same time about high school. 

Lately I've been enjoying...
The half term.Here in the UK we're on our half term school holiday which means no school for one week.I've been really enjoying everything I've done so far. 

Lately I've been looking forward to...
"Cadbury's world." In the summer holidays me and my family are going to a place called "Cadbury's world." If you don't know what "Cadbury's world" is, it's a  place dedicated to chocolate.It just looks so good and I just really want to go there! 

Lately I've been wanting...
An amazing laptop.At the moment I really want a really good laptop because mines good and everything but I just want a more modern one. 

I hope you enjoyed this post because it was a little bit different and I really enjoyed making it. 

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day.  

Friday 29 May 2015

May Favourites

Hey guys,
As it's edging to the end of May I'm going to make a May favourites post.I'll be sharing with you some of my favourite things of this month.If you guys like this kind of post comment below and I'll do them every month.

My favourtie beauty product of this month...  
My favourite beauty product would have to be my Soap and Glory hand sanitizer.It cleans your hands really well and makes them feel really fresh.

My favourtie film of this month...
A couple of weeks ago I went to see a film called The Duff at the cinema and since then I've been obsessed with it.The film's amazing!

My favourite book of this month...
My favourite book of this month is Girl Online. I've began reading it in school and it's amazing.I definitely recommend you read this book because it's probably my favourite book at the moment.

My favourtie snack of this month... 
My favourite snack of this month is cereal and yogurt.What I do is put some cereal (mine's crunchy nut) in a bowl and mix it with some natural or greek yougurt and fruit.It tastes so nice and it really fills me up. 

My favourite app of this month... 
My favourite app of this month is Akinater the free genie.Basically what it does is read your mind by asking you some questions to try to guess what character your'e thinking of.It's really good and addictive and it really does work!

I hope you enjoyed this post and remember to comment down below if you want to see more posts like this.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day. 

Monday 25 May 2015

Girl Chat:How to be a great friend

Hey guys,
Today I was thinking of a post to do and I thought why don't I share with you some of my tips for being a good friend.Now sometimes it can be hard to be a good friend all the time but if you do have some good friends your life will be so much better I promise you. 

Stick up for them:
If you stick up for your friend they will feel so much better and more confident to face the bully. Also if you stick up for them they will probably stick up for you as well. 

Never leave their side:
Make sure you're not a friend who is around when it's a happy time and goes when it gets tough.This shows that you don't care that much for your friend.It can also make your friend feel like they have no one to rely on.

Give them compliments:
This one is really important.If your friend has done her hair a little bit different, just say "your hair looks really nice today".If you do,it will make them feel more confident and make you feel better too. 

Always say nice things behind their back:
I think this is quite a big problem nowadays because people say bad stuff behind peoples back. Personally I think this is the worst type of bullying because you don't always know if what they've been saying is true or not.If you are talking behind their back make sure you only say nice things not horrible stuff.

They're all my top tips of how to be a great friend. I hope you enjoyed this and found it useful.Also if you have any other tips for being a great friend leave them in the comments.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day. 

Saturday 23 May 2015

How to organise the best sleepover ever!

Hey guys, 
Yesterday I had an amazing sleep over with my best friend. We stayed up really late, watched films and ate loads of sweets/candy.Because I had a great time I decided to share with you some of my tips for a great sleep over.

1.Choose some great films to watch:
To make it a fun sleep over you definitely need some good movies you both like.What me and my friend did was choose a handful of films and then we chose the one we would watch first and then the one we would watch second I definitely recommend you do this. 

2.Make sure your nice and comfortable: 
This is a must! if your'e not comfortable you won't enjoy the film your watching.On the first film we watched I was really uncomfortable so on the second film I lay down on my cosy bed and watched the movie and I enjoyed it much more!

3.Have plenty of snacks 
I love having something to snack on while I'm at a sleep over.I think the best things to have is something like popcorn or chocolate.This isn't a must but if you do have something to snack on I think it makes the sleep over a bit better.

4.Play some party games!: 
With this one I mean something like truth or dare or would you rather.Just something to get you talking a bit more.Because sometimes you don't really talk that much in a sleep over but if you play some of these simple games you will.

So I hope you found this post helpful for when you next have a sleep over. If you guys have any other tips for a sleep over leave them in the comment section below. 

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day. 

Tuesday 19 May 2015

The Liebster award

Hi guys,
Today I'm going to be doing a popular tag called the Liebster award.I was recently tagged by the Amazing Neon Girl from to do this tag.You should definitely check out her blog and look at her Liebster award too.

1.What inspired you to start blogging? 
Well I've actually done a post called why I started blogging but I may as well tell you anyway.Basically in a lesson in school we were talking about our dreams and aspirations and I thought that blogging looked like fun so I started my own blog.

2.What would you consider the genre of your blog?
I do a bit of everything but mainly I do lifestyle.

3.Name three pet peeves
.I hate it when people talk about someone behind their back.
.I hate being late especially for school (I really don't know  why)
.When people keep on licking their lips constantly

4.What's your typical order from a coffee shop?
Usually I go to either Costa or Starbucks and order a red berry fruit cooler(from Costa) and one of the cakes.

5.Who are your top five singers or bands?
.Meghan Trainer 
.Taylor Swift 
.Maroon 5
.The Vamps

6.If you had to live off 3 foods and 3 drinks what would they be?
.Chocolate(who couldn't survive without chocolate)
.Fruit (specifically strawberries)

.Water (you can't survive with out it)
.Peach juice (I love it so much but they don't even sell it in this country)
.Cranberry juice

7.Do you intend on travelling in the future?
Definitely I want to travel the world.

8.Name four of your favourite possessions?

9.What are three things you couldn't live without(other than oxygen and all the other scientific aspects)
.My family 
.My friends 
.My laptop 

10.How long do you spend on the internet on an average day?
This is a hard one probably a couple of hours.

11.What's your favourite memory so far from this year?
When me,my mum and my dad went to a place called Star City for the day.It was amazing we went to the cinema and played crazy golf.

So here are my answers to all the questions.I hope you enjoyed this post and found out a little bit more about me.Also I tag ANYONE!who wants to do this.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Top 5 songs | May

Hey guys,
Today I'm going to be sharing with you my Top 5 songs of this month. If you like any of these songs or have any other favourite songs make sure to leave them in the comments.

1.See you again:by wiz khalifa and Charlie Puth.
I love this song so much especially the part when Charlie Puth sings really high in it.I definitely recommend you listen to this song. 

2.Cheerleader:by OMI 
This song is number one in the UK and I think it's also number one in 12 other countries as well.I think this song has an amazing tune which makes me get into the summer spirit.

3.Jealous:by Nick Jonas 
I love this song so much.It has actually been out for quiet a while now but I still love it

4.I really like you:by Carly Rae Jepsen
Carly Rae Jepsen hasn't done a song in our country for quite a while now I did like some of her previous songs a lot but I definitely like this song much better.

5.Trouble:Iggy Azalea and Jenifer Hudson 
This song has also been out for ages now but it's still in the UK top 10 and I still love it.I think the tune in the background makes it complete because it just sounds so cool.

So these are my top 5 songs.I hope you enjoyed this post and found some new songs to listen to.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day.

Monday 11 May 2015

Girl Chat:High school worries

Hey guys, 
Today I'm going to be doing a Girl Chat:High school worries post.By the way high school is usually called either Middle school or secondary school and the age range is from 11 to 16.I'm actually making that huge leap from Primary/elementary school this summer and I'm not going to lie I'm scared.One part of me is so excited to move on but another part of me is freaking out.I'm sure most people have felt like me if they have already made the jump to High school.I'm sure everyone has been worried about going up to high school and I really have so I'm going to be sharing some common worries and sharing some of my advice. 

What if I get lost?
In my primary school there's not that many kids at all and when I go to high school there's going to be thousands of kids.Anyway my advice is if you get lost ask someone they're sure to help you find where ever your'e going.

I won't know anyone
Usually there will be a couple of people from your primary school but if there's not, just think everyone's in the same boat no one knows anybody. So if you don't know anyone start a conversation up and soon you'll have lots of keen friends.

What if I don't make friends?
I think everyone feels like this but you will make friends I promise you.I know I'm not in high school yet but I havehad advice from family and friends and they all say that you will make friends.There's sure to be someone who likes the same stuff as you do.Also just remember make sure you don't change for anyone to like you. 

I don't want to get detention!
If you do get detention it's not the end of the world but if you seriously don't want to get one just stick to the school rules and you won't!

I might miss the bus
It doesn't matter that much if you miss the school bus because usually your family will be around to give you a lift to the school but if they're not ask a friend or a neighbour to take you.

What if I don't do my home work in time 
My advice is to do your homework on the first day you get it, I'm going to really try to do that more.Anyway if there's a reason why you can't do the homework have a word with your teacher and he/ she will understand. 

will there be loads of tests? 
I actually worry about tests a lot and there might be a couple of tests when you start high school but they're really not that important.

What if the works too hard?
I actually worry about this at the start of each school year but my Mum says that the work will be set at your level because they can't just give you impossible work all of a sudden.

What if no one likes me?
I promise you people will like you if you just be your self, people will like you for that.

What if I'm late to class?
If you are late for class for any reason just tell the truth to your teacher and he/she should believe you and understand.But if you keep being late constantly your teacher might start getting a little annoyed.

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any other worries about high school leave them in the comments and I will try to answer them.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day.

Sunday 10 May 2015

My Week

Hey guys,
Today I'm going to be doing a post called the days of the week. Basically It will be quite a quick post where I'll be saying what most people feel like on the days of the week and adding and emoji for each day. I actually got this idea from a T shirt I saw in a shop called Primark-it had all the days of the week and an emoji after it. 

On Monday I'm practically dying 
because it's back to school time 
I feel really tired and just want 
the weekend to carry on.

On Tuesday I still feel quite tired 
and want the weekend to start back up 
again but obviously it doesn't.

On wednesday I'm generally feeling 
OK and I begin to get used to the 
school week.

On Thursday I start to get ready for 
the weekend and feel quite happy because
the weeks going really fast and it's  
almost the weekend. 

This is one of my favourite days of the 
week because it's about to be the weekend 
on Fridays-so it's all good really. 

This is my ultimate favoutie day of the
week.One there's no school two we usually do fun stuff on Saturday and three I can relax all day and look at my blog and stuff.

On sunday I feel quite sad because it's 
school the next day and I can't go to bed 
late because I can't have a lie in the next day. But look on the good side there's
still no school!

So I hope you enjoyed this post even if it was a little different because I really enjoyed making it.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day.