Sunday 3 May 2015

Girl Chat:Moving away from your best friend

Hey guys,
This is my first Girl Chat on this page of my blog.I will be talking about moving away from your best friend.You may be able to relate to this if you feel like you might be moving away from your best friend.I did feel like this once.I had a really good friend but we began moving apart because we had different interests and I had a few other friends which I began hanging out with often.

Use these three helpful tips to try to repair your friendship:

1. Organise a get together with just her because you can talk and just spend time this tip really helped me out.

2.Talk to her about it.I'm sure you've all heard the saying honesty is the best policy and it really is.Just get her on her own and say that you think your'e not spending as much time together and just tell her the truth.Hopefully she'll make an effort to help the friendship out. 

3.Try and hangout with her.Even if she's doing an activity that you don't enjoy doing just make the effort to spend time with her which will make you remember how good friends you were.

So I hope you enjoyed this type of post and make sure to write in the comments what other subjects I should discuss.And If you feel like your'e moving away from one of your closer friends you should definitely try to repair the friendship because you will regret it if you don't.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day.



  1. Amazing tips - these really helped me out! xoxo

  2. Thanks I'm glad you liked them xxx :)

  3. Awww I love your blog so much! This was a GREAT Girl Chat. I moved to secondary school (which is technically high school but its from 11-16) and I had to move away from my primary friends. It was hard, but now I'm fine! Year 7 is going soooooooo quick!

  4. Thanks I really appreciate it.I'm glad high school is going great for you xxx

  5. When your friends move away it is hard because everyone is now revolving with their lives that don't necessarily involve one another, Bhutan hey, great tips!

    xoxo Morning

    1. Thanks I'm glad you found my tips useful xxx

  6. This blog is awesome. Please check out my new blog. Its called

  7. Thanks for the support I'll go and check your blog out now xxx

  8. Great post, Girl! :)

    I nominated you for a Book Tag at my blog. Please check it out.

    1. Thanks I'll go and check your blog out now xxx

  9. Loved this post hun, can't wait to see what more you post. I've drifted from friends before and just going out with them and trying to rekindle your friendship really helps. Like you said even spending time with them, sometimes not doing an activity you want to do will remind you what it is like to have them by your side!


  10. Hi
    I'm glad you enjoyed my post and could relate to it xxx

  11. I loved this post! Can't wait to see more posts :D


    1. Thanks I really appreciate all the support.I will be posting another Girl talk some where this week :)
