Monday 11 May 2015

Girl Chat:High school worries

Hey guys, 
Today I'm going to be doing a Girl Chat:High school worries post.By the way high school is usually called either Middle school or secondary school and the age range is from 11 to 16.I'm actually making that huge leap from Primary/elementary school this summer and I'm not going to lie I'm scared.One part of me is so excited to move on but another part of me is freaking out.I'm sure most people have felt like me if they have already made the jump to High school.I'm sure everyone has been worried about going up to high school and I really have so I'm going to be sharing some common worries and sharing some of my advice. 

What if I get lost?
In my primary school there's not that many kids at all and when I go to high school there's going to be thousands of kids.Anyway my advice is if you get lost ask someone they're sure to help you find where ever your'e going.

I won't know anyone
Usually there will be a couple of people from your primary school but if there's not, just think everyone's in the same boat no one knows anybody. So if you don't know anyone start a conversation up and soon you'll have lots of keen friends.

What if I don't make friends?
I think everyone feels like this but you will make friends I promise you.I know I'm not in high school yet but I havehad advice from family and friends and they all say that you will make friends.There's sure to be someone who likes the same stuff as you do.Also just remember make sure you don't change for anyone to like you. 

I don't want to get detention!
If you do get detention it's not the end of the world but if you seriously don't want to get one just stick to the school rules and you won't!

I might miss the bus
It doesn't matter that much if you miss the school bus because usually your family will be around to give you a lift to the school but if they're not ask a friend or a neighbour to take you.

What if I don't do my home work in time 
My advice is to do your homework on the first day you get it, I'm going to really try to do that more.Anyway if there's a reason why you can't do the homework have a word with your teacher and he/ she will understand. 

will there be loads of tests? 
I actually worry about tests a lot and there might be a couple of tests when you start high school but they're really not that important.

What if the works too hard?
I actually worry about this at the start of each school year but my Mum says that the work will be set at your level because they can't just give you impossible work all of a sudden.

What if no one likes me?
I promise you people will like you if you just be your self, people will like you for that.

What if I'm late to class?
If you are late for class for any reason just tell the truth to your teacher and he/she should believe you and understand.But if you keep being late constantly your teacher might start getting a little annoyed.

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any other worries about high school leave them in the comments and I will try to answer them.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day.


  1. This was a great post. I myself am in High School and I can relate to this.

    1. Thanks for the advice it has really reassured me xx

  2. This was a fantastic post! I was afraid of all of these things when I started middle school, but I learned that it isn't bad :) You'll get through it, I promise.


    1. Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed the post :)

  3. I was nervous when I started middle and high school, but these are great points to keep in mind! ^.^

    xoxo Morning

  4. Love this post! I am new to your blog and absolutely LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I myself am in year 5 and year6 is the last year of primary school so in 8 and a half weeks I will be making the big jump to year 6! Anyway if you dont mind could you check out my blog i will leave the link below...

    (Neon Girl)

  5. Wow I'm so happy you enjoy my blog and found this post useful and of coarse I'll check out your blog I'll look at it now. Also I'm sure you'll really enjoy year 6 it has probably been my best year in primary school xxx :)

  6. Cool thanks for commenting on my blog!

  7. I have nominated you for the one and only Liebster award! Details on my blog!

    1. Cool thanks for tagging me I'll do the Liebster award in a couple of days xx :)
