Wednesday 29 April 2015

Top 5 movies of all time

Hey guys,
Today I'm going to be doing my top 5 movies post because I haven't done one in ages.I will be telling you my top 5 movies of all time and showing you the trailers of them.

Divergent is my all time favorite film.The basic story is about a city that has been separated into different parts depending on your personality.Then a girl called Tris took her test to determine which part she was going to go in but her test result was different which made her a threat.

2.Angus,Thongs and Perfect Snogging
This is such a great film,I'm sure every girl could relate to this.I definitely recommend you watch this.

3.Wild child 
I love this film so much it's all about an American teen who gets transferred to a posh English boarding school.This films so funny and always makes a sleepover complete.

4.The Hunger Games!
So the Hunger Games is quite shocking. It's one of those films where you need to concentrate and be quite mature to watch as there is quite a lot of violence in it. But other than that it's really good.The trailer your'e about to see is for the first Hunger Games but there is a few more in the series.

5.Mean Girls 
I love this film so much it's a American rom com which is so funny I recommend you watch this straight away.:)

The Duff
And last off all there's a film that's on at the cinema at the moment that looks so cool it's called The Duff.I've never seen it but it looks amazing,so I've decided to add the trailer in.

So I know this kind of post is a little different but I hope you still enjoyed it and I hope you try to watch some of these movies.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day.

Also I'd love to hear what your favorite movie is so tell me down in the comments below:)

Friday 24 April 2015

4 tips to help you do well on tests

Hey guys,
So I know at the moment most people are preparing for school tests including me and I usually worry about them a lot and don't always do that great on them.So I've prepared 4 tips to help you do better on tests and exams.

1.Don't panic!!!
I've been in tests where I've panicked a lot which has made me not concentrate and do quite badly on tests.So what I advise is for you not to panic or worry because even if you think it's the most important test in the world, it's probably not even that important.Also worrying about tests and stuff is actually quite bad for you.

2.Answer all the questions
A couple of days ago we did a practice paper and I left 6 questions out which I should have just answered because not answering them cost me marks.Even if you don't understand a question just move on and then come back to it at the end.If you only have a few minutes left in your test and still don't have an idea what the answer is just guess because you have more of a chance of getting the question right than if you just leave it blank.

3.Manage your time
In most tests you'll get a time limit to complete your paper.So the best way to do it in the time limit is to manage your time.If you don't get a question move on and make sure you don't spend ages on one question and just sit there confused because this can waste your time.

4.Read the questions carefully 
Going back to the practice test I was on about before,some people weren't reading the question properly, for example it would say tick two and they'd tick one.I've done that before and it's cost me so many marks so make sure you read the question carefully. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful I hope you all do great on your upcoming tests.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day:)

Sunday 19 April 2015

The emoji tag!

Hey guys,
Today I'm going to be doing something I've been wanting to do in ages its the emoji tag.But first I need to explain what the emoji tag is.The emoji tag is where I pick 5 emojis that best describe me.Also If you don't know what emojis are they're little smiley faces that you can put after text messages.

Here are some emojis:

1.The smiley faced emoji 
The reason I chose this emoji is because I think most of the time I'm quite smiley and just generally a happy person:)

2.The computer emoji
The reason I chose this emoji is because if I didn't have a laptop none of this could have been possible and I wouldn't have even been able to create this blog.

3.The think bubble emoji
The reason I chose this is because I usually think and talk a lot.When I started this blog I had so many ideas I just kept thinking of new ones every day.

4.The friend emoji 
The reason I chose this emoji is because I have so many amazing friends which makes school so fun.

5.The city emoji
The reason I chose this emoji is because I have so many amazing memories from when I went on holiday to places like New York and Berlin which will always stay with me.

Anyway as this is a tag post I need to tag three people to do it:

1.Morning time 4 from

2.Miss internet from

3.Noor akhter from

 I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did making it.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day.

Monday 6 April 2015

What type of posts do you want!

Hey guys,
Today I'm going to be doing a short post called what type of posts do you want (I'm sure you all new that because of the title name).Anyway I usually do posts that I enjoy making and I would like to read but if you have any post ideas that you want to see or any suggestions to make this blog better.I would love to hear them.Just comment down below and I will try to do some of your post suggestions.Also I've been working really hard lately making lots of new posts that I will be posting in the next couple of weeks,so I've decided that I will try to post every couple of days.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day.