Saturday 23 May 2015

How to organise the best sleepover ever!

Hey guys, 
Yesterday I had an amazing sleep over with my best friend. We stayed up really late, watched films and ate loads of sweets/candy.Because I had a great time I decided to share with you some of my tips for a great sleep over.

1.Choose some great films to watch:
To make it a fun sleep over you definitely need some good movies you both like.What me and my friend did was choose a handful of films and then we chose the one we would watch first and then the one we would watch second I definitely recommend you do this. 

2.Make sure your nice and comfortable: 
This is a must! if your'e not comfortable you won't enjoy the film your watching.On the first film we watched I was really uncomfortable so on the second film I lay down on my cosy bed and watched the movie and I enjoyed it much more!

3.Have plenty of snacks 
I love having something to snack on while I'm at a sleep over.I think the best things to have is something like popcorn or chocolate.This isn't a must but if you do have something to snack on I think it makes the sleep over a bit better.

4.Play some party games!: 
With this one I mean something like truth or dare or would you rather.Just something to get you talking a bit more.Because sometimes you don't really talk that much in a sleep over but if you play some of these simple games you will.

So I hope you found this post helpful for when you next have a sleep over. If you guys have any other tips for a sleep over leave them in the comment section below. 

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day. 


  1. Hi, i've just discovered your blog and really like it so I've nominated you to do the creative bloggers award! Hopefully you haven't done it already, and hopefully you want to do it!

    Here is the link, tell me when you've done your own as I'd love to see it,


    1. Thanks xx I can't wait to do the tag :) also I loved reading your one it was really good :)

  2. Sleepovers are the best. Yesterday I had a party but next time I am planning a sleepover, probably. A game I would suggest to play besides Truth and Dare are Never Have I Ever. :)

    xoxo Morning

    1. Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed the post xx :)

  3. Ooh, I love sleepovers - especially when you have movie nights! I just had an awesome one! Me and my friend love playing truth or dare and next time we are going to play would you rather?! Your tips are awesome and really really helpful! Xoxo

    1. Thanks I really appreciate all of the support xx :)

  4. Sleepovers sounds so fun! I haven't really had one because we don't really practice this culture where I'm from. Great post!


    1. Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed this post :)

  5. I love sleepovers, snacks and movies are so much fun!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the post and found the tips useful xx :)

  6. Think I'm a bit too old for sleep overs now. But they used to be my favourite things, those are definitely one of the main things I miss doing with my friends!

  7. Great tips! Sounds like you had fun too!

    Kate x
