Monday 6 April 2015

What type of posts do you want!

Hey guys,
Today I'm going to be doing a short post called what type of posts do you want (I'm sure you all new that because of the title name).Anyway I usually do posts that I enjoy making and I would like to read but if you have any post ideas that you want to see or any suggestions to make this blog better.I would love to hear them.Just comment down below and I will try to do some of your post suggestions.Also I've been working really hard lately making lots of new posts that I will be posting in the next couple of weeks,so I've decided that I will try to post every couple of days.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day.


  1. Hey guys
    Remember to comment so I can do some posts that you enjoy reading :)

  2. Hi, a girl! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog on my last post! :) Do you have a Followers button (not a Google+ followers button, but the GFC one... If you have no idea what I'm talking about, look on my sidebar on my blog and it's basically the gadget with the blue "Follow this site" button with all the mini icons)? I'm trying to find one on your blog... I'd love to follow you, and I'd love if you would follow me to! (And also, since I go on so many blogs, it's hard for me to keep track of all of the links to various blogs so following would be great).

    As for what to post... Honestly, write what you want to write. Blogging isn't about how popular it gets, and trying to write for others and what they want versus what you want can often lead to your energy for blogging draining, which is what I sometimes experience. Besides, I love the new bloggers like you; you all end up bringing this amazing enthusiasm and quality to your posts.

    xoxo Morning

  3. Hi
    wow I didn't realise that someone would enjoy reading my blog this much.Anyway I will try to add the GFC follow button so you can follow me thanks so much I really appreciate it x

  4. Haha, are you kidding? I love reading new blogs all the time. :) I will be following you now; in the meantime, can you follow me back to, on my blog? That'd be great!

    xoxo Morning

  5. Hey there, a girl! I love your blog and I can't believe I've only just discovered it! I get stuck for posts ALL THE TIME! My friend, girlOnline, has a no sign-up, 100% free course on her blog (its a tab) and she has so many post ideas on her post section of the course! You might find that will possibly help! Anyway, I love your blog! Here is my blog -

    and here is my friend's blog -!


  6. Hey
    Thanks so much for commenting on my blog.I'm so happy you enjoy it so much.I will definitely check out your blog and the blog coarse on girl onlines blog

