Friday 24 April 2015

4 tips to help you do well on tests

Hey guys,
So I know at the moment most people are preparing for school tests including me and I usually worry about them a lot and don't always do that great on them.So I've prepared 4 tips to help you do better on tests and exams.

1.Don't panic!!!
I've been in tests where I've panicked a lot which has made me not concentrate and do quite badly on tests.So what I advise is for you not to panic or worry because even if you think it's the most important test in the world, it's probably not even that important.Also worrying about tests and stuff is actually quite bad for you.

2.Answer all the questions
A couple of days ago we did a practice paper and I left 6 questions out which I should have just answered because not answering them cost me marks.Even if you don't understand a question just move on and then come back to it at the end.If you only have a few minutes left in your test and still don't have an idea what the answer is just guess because you have more of a chance of getting the question right than if you just leave it blank.

3.Manage your time
In most tests you'll get a time limit to complete your paper.So the best way to do it in the time limit is to manage your time.If you don't get a question move on and make sure you don't spend ages on one question and just sit there confused because this can waste your time.

4.Read the questions carefully 
Going back to the practice test I was on about before,some people weren't reading the question properly, for example it would say tick two and they'd tick one.I've done that before and it's cost me so many marks so make sure you read the question carefully. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful I hope you all do great on your upcoming tests.

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day:)


  1. Thanks I'm glad you found them useful.

  2. Good tips!

    I'll keep them in mind for when I next have a text!

    - Ines | Ines's Insights |

  3. We've got a test coming up soon, so thanks for these!


  4. Hi
    Thanks I'm glad you found my tips useful x

  5. Amazing tips! These will seriously help out my sister! Xoxo

  6. Thanks I'm really glad I could help xxx
