Saturday 6 June 2015

Girl Chat:How to cope with worries

Hey guys, 
Today I'm going to talk about worries and how to cope with them. Everyone has worries, some more than others.I'm actually a really big worrier so my Mum has given me tips on how to cope with worries and I've decided to share some of them with you.

Talk to someone about them:
I think this one is a must. Even if you think your worry is tiny and they won't understand they probably will.I actually feel better if I tell someone and I'm sure you will too.If you feel like you really can't tell your parents or someone in your family you can always turn to a friend or a website for advice. 

Find positives out of your worry:
When you worry about something it can be hard to think about the positives from your worry.But if you do you'll feel much better about your worry.For example the positives about moving up to high school are that I'll meet lots of new people,make new friends and I can try new sports. 

Put your worry into perspective:
This one is really good because when you're worried about something you can think that it's much worse than what it really is.Just think to yourself " how bad is this worry?" and put it on a scale of one to ten to see how bad it really is.

Take your mind off it:
When you're worried about something the best thing to do is just take your mind off it.Whether you go for a walk or watch TV do what ever makes you happy.Usually you feel much better,forget about the worry and it gives you a fresh perspective on the worry.Another thing that is good especially before bed (when the worry seems worse than ever) is to pretend to put it in a balloon and let go of it!.This usually allows you to forget all about the worry.

Don't look back: 
A piece of good advice is not to waste energy looking back at things that have already happened.You can't turn back time but what you can do is draw a line underneath the worry and focus on the present.Equally don't waste time worrying on the "what if's" in the future because it's a waste  of energy and it makes you feel unhappy. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful because I really did.If you have any other strategies forvg coping with worries I'd love to hear them in the comments below. 

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day. 


  1. I'm a huge worrywart when it comes to school, a lot. I'm a perfectionist, so I stress about pretty much everything... I've got to learn to not look back. Your mom has great advice! <3

    xoxo Morning

  2. Your mum has such great advice! I worry a lot too, over the most simple things, and I overthink them, even once I've found a solution!


  3. I'm a definite worrier, so these tips are incredibly useful!

    Your mother seems very wise!

    Kate x

    1. Thanks I'm really happy I could help xx :)

  4. Like MorningTime, I'm a perfectionist so I stress and worry a lot! I worry about things that don't need to be worried about! These were awesome tips!

    Your mum has awesome advice - thank you! And thank her for me and thank yourself for me!

    I love girl chat - your so thoughtful and helpful, a girl! You're so sweet and kind! Please keep it up! Xoxo

    1. Thanks I'll tell my mum that you found it useful xx :) also I'm really happy you like girl chat so much xx :)

    2. Are you kidding?! I LOVE girl chat! Xoxo

  5. Such a sweet post! I nominated you for the Liebester Award on my blog!

  6. Awesome advices :) thank your mum a lot. Lately I has been coping with a lot of worries. Sometimes it helps me when I write it down for example the blog or only at a piece of paper or do something creative against it. Ohh yes looking back, I know that.

    1. Thanks that tip of yours really works thank you xx :)

  7. Thanks! This really helped!
    xxxx kate
    ps- do you have bloglovin?
