Saturday 13 June 2015

Girl Chat:Bullies

Hey guys, 
I'm going to be doing another Girl Chat today talking about bullies.Unfortunately most people get bullied somewhere in their life and it's not nice.It's hard to know what to do when you get bullied because you feel alone and isolated.If you are getting bullied at the moment I recommend you follow some of these steps to resolve the problem.

Things you feel when you get bullied:

What to do if you're getting bullied:

Tell someone:
This one is a must.I'm sure you've heard that if you tell someone it always gets better and it does.Whoever you tell can help you get through the problem and contact someone at the place where you're getting bullied. 

Stand up to them:
Hopefully if you stand up to them they'll get the message not to mess with you.Also be careful with the comments you make back to them because if you say some really hurtful,unforgivable comments it makes you just as bad. 

Ignore them:
You shouldn't ignore the bully if they keep on being hurtful but if it's a one off comment try to just ignore it.Hopefully they'll just get bored and leave you alone.I know it can be really hard to ignore someone but I think it's a good approach to take.You can always remove yourself from the situation. 

Stay in a big group of friends:
Try and stay in a big group of friends if you can as a bully is probably less likely to bother you in this situation.

Just remember... 
Usually the people who bully you are the people who are unhappy and have problems in their own life.This means that they're not bullying you because there's anything wrong with you but they're actually bullying you because they've got problems of their own.This is no excuse for their actions and you should still tell someone about it.  

So I hope you found my post interesting and helpful.Also if you are getting bullied at the moment please follow my advice and it will make it so much better I promise you. 

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day.


  1. This is such a fantastic post - this message is so important!

    Kate x

  2. Bullies stink big time, but like others have said, it carries such a great message that people should hear!

    xoxo Morning

  3. I have nominated you for the creative blogger award!
    All the rules are over on my blog!

    1. Thanks I'll hopefully post it in a couple of days xx :)

  4. Hi!

    If you would like, I could design your blog for you! The details are on my blog


    I love your Posts!

    1. Thanks I'l think about you designing my blog xx :) I'm sure it would look amazing xx :)

  5. Wonderful advice! I nominated you for the liebester awards on my blog!

  6. Really nice, many people need this advice.

    1. Thanks I totally agree with you xx :)

  7. love this advice! =)
    check out my blog at
    -mia xxx

  8. Nice Advice! Good work! How long have you been blogging for? Your blog is amzing and so inspiring!


  9. This advice is great!!! I think that you delivered the message perfectly. :)
    Check out my blog!:)

  10. I agree, its great how you blog about big things like bullying because they are important and everybody needs to know about them. And you wrote about it really well.
    If you had any time would you mind please checking out my blog

    So and so
