Sunday, 21 June 2015

Good sportsmanship

Hey guys,
Today it was my school sports day and it got me thinking about  good sportsmanship..If you don't know what good sportsmanship is, it's treating the people you play with or against, as you'd like to be treated yourself. It's also showing respect for the coaches and all officials involved Anyway I'm going to describe how you can demonstrate good sportsmanship.  

Support your team: 
If you have a team in whatever you might be doing make sure you support it. In our school in each team for sports day we have a mix of children some from year 6 and others from nursery so the older ones have the responsibility of looking after them and congratulating them. Something that works for me is giving your team mates high fives and saying well done.

Be a good loser:
No one likes a bad loser so don't be one.It can be disappointing if you come last in whatever you're doing but just think that it's not the worst thing in the world.Make sure you try to be happy for the winner by congratulating them. 

It's OK to be a bit competitive:
Being competitive is fine and actually really natural.Some people say it's bad to be competitive but it's not, it's actually human. The only thing you've got to remember is not to be over competitive because I know that I get pretty frustrated when some people are way too competitive and not very nice with it.

Be a good winner: 
If you win you're naturally going to be happy but make sure you don't sound too boastful.Make sure you congratulate everyone in your competition. 

 Respect the Judge's decision:
Remember the official's decision is final and needs to be respected even if it is disappointing!They may get it wrong sometimes but they are doing their best like you are!

I hope you enjoyed this post even if it was a bit different.Also I hope these tips helped you think about how to demonstrate good sportsmanship next time you take part in sport!

Bye guys and I hope you have a great day. 


  1. Yesterday was my sports day too! I think these are all really great tips!


    1. Thanks I'm glad you found them useful xx :)

  2. These are all super cool tips! It looks like you put a lot of thought into this post! Well done!! xx Brittany -

    1. Thanks I really appreciate the support xx :)

  3. These were all wonderful tips! It's important to be a good sport.


    1. Thanks I'm so happy you liked it xx :)

  4. These tips are fantastic, and so important!

    Sportsmanship is often forgotten about, but really ought to be considered within everyday life.

    I no longer do sports day at school, as the only people who do it now are those aged below thirteen, and those who do GCSE PE. That's really quite a good thing for me, because I'm the sort of person who becomes out of breath from simply walking up a flight of stairs!

    Kate x

  5. wow, i like the way you write))

  6. wow, i like the way you write))

  7. Great tips and so true! Thanks for sharing :)
